Where is plasmapkg?

Thomas Olsen tanghus at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 21:02:26 UTC 2009

Thought I'd have a look at Plasmawidgets/Plasmoids (what is the correct term 
nowadays?) so I followed the guide at 
Didn't come that for as plasmapkg is nowhere to be found. When trying to run 
it the shell says:

The program 'plasmapkg' is currently not installed.  You can install it by 
sudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace-bin

That package is already installed and plasmapkg isn't in it. Tried to install 
kdebase-workspace-dev to no avail and it doesn't show up in "apt-cache search 

Google doesn't show anything of relevance.

BTW: I'm running KDE 4.2.90 (KDE 4.3 Beta2).

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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