upgrade 8.04 -> 9.04+kde3: how?

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Sun Jun 14 16:39:01 UTC 2009

Billie Erin Walsh wrote:

> It's kind of silly when someone says that if they can't use Konqueror as
> the file manager they will switch distros rather than use Dolphin when
> in fact they use Dolphin every day, just inside the Konqueror container
> is all.

But to me, using a file manager outside the browser is just completely at 
odds with the way I work - so if the dolphin part was actually removed from 
Konqueror, I probably _would_ leave KDE.
> Why not cut out the middleman, so to speak, and just use the tool that's
> designed to do the work in the first place.

Because I AM using the tool designed to do the work in the first place, and 
see no reason to use it the hard way.
> I find that opening a PDF in the actual tool that is designed to be used
> for that gives more functionality than using a browser plugin within a
> web browser. 

It does - but it doesn't have to.

> I don't use Konqueror as a file/folder manager so I can't
> say for sure if Dolphin as a stand alone is more feature rich. But from
> experience with other plugins and stand alone's I would just about bet
> it is.

Not that I can see.

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