upgrade 8.04 -> 9.04+kde3: how?

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Sun Jun 14 14:48:03 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Konqueror uses Dolphin, at least in part, to work as a file/folder
>> manager. _Right_?
> Right.
>> It's kind of like opening a PDF file in a web browser. The browser
>> itself doesn't open the file. It uses a plugin to open the file. When
>> you use Konqueror as a file/folder manager it uses Dolphin as a plugin
>> to actually do the work. Feature requests don't make changes in
>> Konqueror. They make changes in Dolphin which then gets used by
>> Konqueror. Konqueror is not _THE_ file/folder manager. Dolphin is _THE_
>> file/folder manager either working within Konqueror or as a stand alone.
> Actually, Konqueror opens PDF files. :)

I just opened a local PDF. It looks suspiciously like Okular (sp?) 
within the Konqueror window to me. Maybe Okular is just another name for 

>> It's kind of silly when someone says that if they can't use Konqueror as
>> the file manager they will switch distros rather than use Dolphin when
>> in fact they use Dolphin every day, just inside the Konqueror container
>> is all.
>> Why not cut out the middleman, so to speak, and just use the tool that's
>> designed to do the work in the first place.
> Because Konqueror is more than a file browser, it allows one to
> manipulate files in ways that no other file manager ever has. People
> are passionate about Konqueror. As you started off with Dolphin, I
> don't expect you to understand this, but I will give you some
> examples.
> Konqueror lets the user open two PDFs side by side, or a PDF and a web
> page, or a PDF and a file system on a remote host.
> Konqueror in KDE 3 had many context-menu scripts, for all kinds of operations.
> Konqueror in KDE 3 had a metadata tab that listed _all_ the metadata of a file.

All very handy but not necessarily file/folder management tasks.

>> I find that opening a PDF in the actual tool that is designed to be used
>> for that gives more functionality than using a browser plugin within a
>> web browser. I don't use Konqueror as a file/folder manager so I can't
>> say for sure if Dolphin as a stand alone is more feature rich. But from
>> experience with other plugins and stand alone's I would just about bet
>> it is.
> However, one may want to do things to the PDF that the PDF reader was
> not designed to do. With Konqueror you have many additional tools at
> your disposal.

 From what I saw I had about all the Okular tools, but I didn't see much 
more. BUT, then I didn't spend a lot of time messing around with it.

>> Just whining in general about something that doesn't work like it did
>> back in the "good ol' days" is just that. Whining. "I want my banky."
>> That's what I see most of. That's not constructive in any way.
> Correct, that is why I stress for the KDE 3 holdouts to share with me
> what they are missing in KDE 4.

Most of them just want KDE 3.x back.

Treat all stressful situations like a dog does.
If you can't eat it or play with it, 
just pee on it and walk away

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