Is there virus removal software for Jaunty KDE

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Sat Jun 13 19:28:43 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:
> I need the name of software that I can install on a terminal to remove a 
> virus.  Google search was ineffective at least for me.  Every word I searched 
> came up with everything but what I am looking for, and Kpackagekit requires 
> the exact name of an application to locate it.  I remember with adpept, if I 
> typed in the word virus, it was alreading searching for anything with the word 
> virus in it and several options would usually appear; but KpackageKit requires 
> an exact name.  TIA
> Steven
The name of the application you are looking for is

Please use a completely new mail to begin a new subject 
instead of answering to an existing thread.

Also googling for "+linux +antivirus" over here yields about 
40.500.000 answers. There are very good ones on the very 
first page.

Kind regards

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