New LCD Monitor, not a problem

Kevin B. O'Brien nadreck at
Sat Jun 13 18:28:57 UTC 2009

This is not a problem, I just felt like sharing. After using a CRT for 
many years I picked up a 25" LCD Monitor with a native resolution of 
1920x1080. Now, I have 4 computers, all sharing a monitor, keyboard, and 
mouse via a KVM. 2 of them are Windows XP, and two of them are Kubuntu. 
Well, I disconnect the old CRT, connect the new LCD, and all I see are 
error messages. But for Kubuntu, all I had to do was reboot, and X 
reconfigured itself, so that all I had to do was go into settings and 
set the resolution to 1920X1080. But it was a major pain in the butt 
trying to get Windows XP to work. The supplied driver disk was Vista 
only (what is up with that?), and I had to try various resolutions to 
find something that would make the error message go away. I finally got 
them running, but this was definitely Linux FTW, in my book. Kubuntu - 
It Just Works.


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
nadreck at      Linux User #333216

"Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying 
to prove that the other party is unfit to rule--and both commonly 
succeed, and are right." -- H.L. Mencken

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