Easy way to install e-Sword through wine

David Kuntadi d.kuntadi at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 12:32:19 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:49 AM, steven
vollom<stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Before I go to your link, which one do I go to, the first or the second.
> Additionally you said I need to upgrade to at least 1.1.7, isn't that higher
> than the 1.1.23 you are suggesting?
> Since I have 1.0.1 installed now, do I remove it prior to installing 1.1.23?
> Then where do I get 1.1.7.  I hope I am not confusing you.  And finally, I am
> kubuntu Jaunty not ubuntu Jaunty, does that make a difference?  Thanks little
> brother.  It looks like I will get things right before I screw up the works.

23 is higher than 7, so that wine 1.1.23 is higher that wine 1.1.7

You do not need to remove wine 1.0.1, just install wine 1.1.23 straight away .
It has been tested in kubuntu before, it should be ok.


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