Is it possible to change the mount points without formatting the drive or reinstalling the OS?

Alan Dacey Sr. Grokit at
Sun Jun 7 16:18:53 UTC 2009

On Sunday 07 June 2009 11:51:55 am steven vollom wrote:
. . . 
> My memory comes from long ago, and with much less knowledge than now, but
> when I operated XP, I used a partition editor called Partition Magic, and I
> thought you could do all sorts of partition changing without having to
> reinstall.  Do you know anything about that?  I can remember adding and
> changing volumes with the unused portion of a partition, things like that;
> I don't remember anything about mount points, but I was wondering if there
> was a difference in how such things are handled in other OS's.  Anyway, not
> a problem, I will reinstall today and get things finally right.
. . . 
> Blessings,
> Steven

I used to have a 500gb partition of just XP but when I upgraded to 64bit 
Kubuntu 9.04 I wanted to resize it to 30 GB using Partition Magic.  Long story 
short, the entire partition got totally hosed.  Nothing I could do saved it.  
It was even a legal copy so there was no funny hacks to get around the Windows 
Genuine Advantage (or 'Checking to see if you a thief') .  I saved everything 
first so no worries, but if you are going to start resizing partitions (not 
recommended) then use Gparted instead.


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