Fish & SSH

Muzer muzerakascooby at
Sat Jun 6 15:19:02 UTC 2009

Eric wrote:
> I just asked this same question on the Kubuntu Forum.
> I Have PcLinuxOS on my laptop and Kubuntu 9.04 on my desktop computer. 
>  From Kubuntu I was able to connect with my laptop using fish. I have 
> not been able to connect to the computer with Kubuntu installed using 
> fish in either konq or Krusader. When I tried to use Kssh, the window 
> opened for a flash and then it closed. I was able to connect with Putty. 
> I would rather use fish. Any idea what the problem is?
> Eric
Fish should only really be used when sftp is not available (which is 
faster and more reliable). You should set up sftp on your Kubuntu system.

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