4 blocked updates

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Jun 6 06:20:15 UTC 2009

Muzer wrote:
> I can't remember any examples unfortunately, but I have had apps that
> deny me access to certain files in my home directory if I ever load
> it with sudo rather than kdesudo.

I don't think there are apps which deny you access if you use sudo but 
it is much more sinister. You start a GUI program for the first time 
ever and you start it with sudo. The program writes it's config files to 
"/home/$USER/.someconfigpath/configfile". Some time later you start the 
same DUI program without sudo and it doesn't start because the config 
file "/home/$USER/.someconfigpath/configfile" is now owned by root and 
isn't accessible to the user.

If you want to see the difference between sudo and kdesudo, use these 

sudo bash -c set >set1.txt
kdesudo "bash -c set" >set2.txt
diff -u set1.txt set2.txt >diff.txt
kate diff.txt

That will show that sudo preserves the $HOME of the user while kdesudo 
sets $HOME to the correct home directory for root which is "/root".


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