New Moderation

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Jun 4 16:14:44 UTC 2009

Myriam Schweingruber wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 05:40, Martin Laberge <mlsoftlaberge at>
> wrote:
>> It seems strange to me that the moderation thread of last week
>> did stop so abrubptly.
>> Maybe someone did not like the thruth discussed in that thread
>> and just "moderated it totally" so that no-one could discuss this
>> sensible content.
> Well, I can assure you we didn't moderate or ban that particular
> thread at all :)
> Might well be that people got tired discussing the subject?

While I've disagreed with Myriam quite a few times, I'm sure she's 
absolutely right here - the thread didn't stop in mid-rant, so it seems 
everyone had better things to discuss.  Which is not to say that I and 
others won't be annoyed if further moves to moderation are made.  
>> Hitler or Bush would'nt have done better.
Oh please, that's pure trolling.

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