Konqueror and Kmail

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Fri Jul 17 07:19:29 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:
> On Thursday 16 July 2009 03:13:16 pm Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Steven Vollom wrote:
> > > Since the last updates that included 8 for Jaunty rc kde 4.2.2,
> > > both have gotten buggy.  Is that same for anyone else, or do I
> > > need to submit a bug report?
> >
> > Can you be a bit more specific? What do you mean with "buggy"? And
> > it is no longer "Jaunty rc", Jaunty was released nearly 2 months
> > ago and even if you started with rc you have the release version
> > now.
> Sometimes Konquerer opens frozen with a transparent, all white
> surface with nothing more than Konqueror written at the top.  

Well, I haven't seen something like that or anything of the rest of your 
description of the problem. But maybe it is related to desktop effects 
which are disabled here. You may check if the problem persists after 
disabling desktop effects: "K-menu" -> "Desktop" -> "Desktop Effects" -> 
"[ ] Enable desktop effects".

> What is
> the proper term for the bar at the top of an open application that
> says what the application is and has the close, resize window, and
> move to panel buttons?  If I have to repeat the term again in the
> email, I will call it a 'title bar'.

I think "title bar" is the proper name for it.

> Nils, I am not sure I do the Bug report properly.  I am sure that I
> don't understand the reply I get when they send me a notice about any
> bug reports I am a part of.  I do not know if I should respond or do
> anything in response to the reports or why they have sent the notice.

Depends on the contents of the notice - if someone asks for further 
information, you should surely respond with the additional info but if 
it is a status change like "Status: Confirmed => Triaged" there is no 
action required on your side.

>  What do these notices mean, that they are still working them, or
> they have solved them, what?

Yes, someone is working on the bug, but usually it is solved only if the 
status is changed to "Fix Released".


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