Print server for dual environment

Kevin B. O'Brien nadreck at
Thu Jul 16 21:40:13 UTC 2009

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Wednesday 15 July 2009, Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
>> Well, that is where I was when this started. I had set it up in CUPS as
>> socket://, and that is what gave me the error about a
>> broken pipe. I guess I will try to find out how to get a PPD file off of
>> Windows, then.
> Yes but.....   what makes you think it is going to work on port 9100??
> I haven't dug into the print server docs that you have, but it should mention 
> a port in there to use.
It comes with Windows software for managing the server. I went into it, 
and it is printing on 9100 right now. Just not from my Kubuntu box.


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
nadreck at      Linux User #333216

"Waldheimer's Disease? You grow old and forget you were a Nazi." -- Jon 

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