re grub on cdrom

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Jul 16 19:13:04 UTC 2009

Bruce Marshall wrote:

> On Thursday 16 July 2009, ray burke wrote:
>> Can someone help
>> What is the way to copy to bootable cdrom a copy of my
>> dual boot xp pro sp3/Kubuntu, so that if I ever corrupt
>> the grub I can just load it in via cdrom at boot up time.
>> Or is there a procedure to follow to re-create it for my
>> dual boot?
> 1)  You are asking for an impossibility.   There is waaaay to much data to
> put on a single CD.

He's just asking for the _grub_ part.  That isn't so difficult.  After all, 
it used to fit on a floppy (if you remember them...).  That said, I don't 
know the answer.  On a USB stick, I think I could do it with a grub-install, 
but I suspect it's more complicated for a CD.

> Learn grub  and you can probably find a solution that would fit on either
> a floppy or a CD.  I used to make myself a bootable floppy but haven't
> done so in years because it is very easy to fix grub using live cd's.

Yes, that's why I don't actually know how to do it myself anymore :-)

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