Problem with Live CD.

steven vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Jul 9 16:38:19 UTC 2009

On Thursday 09 July 2009 04:32:34 am Goh Lip wrote:
> steven vollom wrote:
> >   I can't help myself.  Restraining me is like trying to put out a
> > fire using gasoline as the liquid.  I apologize if that offends.
> Hee Hee Hee, Welcome back my friend. What would we do without you?
> Okay, start with ...........
> kdesudo is to start up a gui (like kate sumpting.....
> sudo is to do sumpting at the terminal itself (like apt-get install ..
> We also can't help ourselves helping you...heh heh
> Regards,
> goh lip


Had me laughing to tears again.  How could anyone not love you all.


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