Is there some trick -- Yes! Get the path right.
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at
Sat Jan 31 04:24:46 UTC 2009
> My
> almost 80 year old mother is one of them. BUT! She will ask me to search
> for things on the net, then I have to print them out and deliver them to
> her. Maybe she just wants more attention??
I am only 65, but I am not in perfect health and a shut in. All my family is
2400 miles from here, and the people I meet seem to like me and want to help
me, but just because I am old. I never have anyone to talk to. People will
help me get out to purchase something from time to time, but don't want to
come in and spend any time with me. I appreciate what they do, but I would
rather just have company. It gets so lonely. If I didn't have the list, I
would go crazy. Inside I am about 30 outside I am abut 100.
If you love her, visit her. That is what she wants most. She is probably
only about 30 on the inside too, regardless of her actual age. It sounds
like she is lonely too.
> But, find that local lug, I bet you'll find someone in your immediate
> neighborhood.
The only one I had any conversation with that was friendly turned out to be a
burglar. He robbed me twice before he died. The only other are a young
group of homosexuals next door, and I don't feel comfortable with them. They
are nice, but talk about things that pretty much make me ill to hear. I know
they don't realize how some hetrosexuals feel. I don't dislike them. I
don't feel superior. I don't even judge them, it is just when they talk
openly about the things they do and like to do, it just turns my stomach. I
can't help it.
> I have lived in some pretty bad places in my time, last
> thing I would do is let the local crackheads know that I have a bunch of
> computers. They wouldn't know an AMD64 system from a 486, they'd just
> steal it anyway. :) Ric
That is how it is here. Every time I let a neighbor in to get something they
need, like a tool or some milk or sugar, their eyes wander everywhere, not
interested in what they are seeing, just shopping for when I am not at home.
Every contact so far has cost me something. A camera, money, even a container
of wood glue worth very little. It is just that I have trouble getting out
to get things, and I needed the wood glue he stole, and I had just set it
down where I would not lose or misplace it, because I was on a project that
needed it when he came over. I turned my back for an instant, and when I
looked bace it was gone. Because I needed it so bad and would have so much
difficulty getting another, that 59 cent loss made me so angry, it was hard
to get over it.
Even a guy from the church who takes me to purchase food, steals food from me
every time we go. It is only between $15 and $30, but that is a lot when you
are on my low pension. Because of it, I have to eat mostly Top Ramen the
last few days of the month. It is so unbelievable, I am not able to cope or
understand it. I don't feel like a neighbor or friend, I feel like a victim.
Oh well, I don't have to worry about it for long, I am nearing the end of my
life. With all this going on, I still love my life. The List keeps me
smiling. I still love making art. And, my long distance relationship could
not be better.
Thanks for your kind help, friend.
> --
> My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
> "There are two Great Sins in the world...
> ..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
> Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
> Linux user# 44256
> Verizon Cell # 434-774-4987
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