digiKam and Gwenview KDE 4.2

Glenn R Williams gloonie at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 30 21:44:18 UTC 2009

On Friday 30 January 2009 16:18:46 Georgi Kourtev wrote:
> I was used to have under Kubuntu 8.10 KDE 4.1.x digiKam and Gwenview
> installed at the same time.  The first I use for my camera, the second is a
> nice quick viewer of pictures.
> Since upgraded to 4.2, both programs cannot be installed at the same time.
> When I have digiKam installed and run installation of Gwenview, adept
> replaces libkipi0 with libkipi6, and removes as well libkipi-common,
> kipi-plugins, and digiKam itself.  And the other way around.
> Is there a way to have both? Thanks.
> Georgi

Not at the moment. "Digikam will not install alongside these packages due to 
conflicting library versions."

see http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2


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