not able to configure internet connection in kubuntu

Joel Oliver joelol75 at
Mon Jan 26 00:21:07 UTC 2009

You can save the connections if edited at root.

There's two ways to set up your DNS.

1. Set your nameservers up in your router and use the router as the 
nameserver (Best, as this will work across the entire LAN)

2. Set up just your computer to just use 'specified' nameserver.

These instructions don't use and GUI so they work for Ubuntu or 
Kubuntu.  I've found Kubuntu's network manager broken anyway (Especially 
with wireless...) So my advice is to use gnomes network manager with 
nm-applet or better yet, use Wicd.  This will conflict with network 
manager so it will be removed when wicd is installed.   Wicd is much 
cleaner and handles wireless autoconnects as well as wired connections.  
I love it and believe it should be the default for both Gnome and KDE, 
but some disagree with me....  All I know is KDE's front end is severly 
broken and buggy in intrepid and later.  I'm getting off topic but check 
out Wicd, you won't regret it!

Add this to your /etc/sources list to try Wicd:|

deb hardy extras|

Substitute hardy with intrepid or jaunty if you're running 8.10 or 9.04 

Then a simple sudo apt-get install wicd will install it.  You can setup 
your DNS nameservers in Wicd's front end...

If you prefer to set up the nameservers in your router, open up the 
router config page in a browser (ie. Firefox)  It's usually 
for most routers, or may be for some models...  See the 
router config docs for more info.

To open it up, just type:

in the address bar.  In the Setup page (Usually the first tab on the 
config page, look for your DNS nameservers.  There will be two or 
possibly three places to type in your DNS ip addresses.  If you don't 
know your ISP's DNS ip addresses, you can use OpenDNS's.  They are free 
and work great and are very resistant to any DNS poisoning attacks. For 
more info on OpenDNS see

So on these tabs add:

And save the config.  If there's three places, just leave the third blank.

Now, open a terminal and edit your /etc/resolv.conf file:

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

and in the file it should look like:


Press CTRL-X and save it.

Remember, if your router uses a different address than 
change this in your resolv.conf to point at the router.

If you don't want to use the router as your LAN DNS server, add:


to your /etc/resolv.conf file.

Hope this helps.


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