not able to configure internet connection in kubuntu

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Thu Jan 8 09:53:49 UTC 2009

2009/1/8 amit naik <amitrnaik at>:
> i have an adsl broadband connection.i am not able to connect to internet.
> i read the documentation on the site abt creating a pppoe
> configuration.i downloaded the pppoe everything works fine
> in the terminal, i can ping to my isp IP and it shows that i'm
> connected.but when i load the webpages in konqueror or start K-torrent
> it doesn't load anything
> as if i'm not connected.
> i also read abt editing the /etc/resolv.conf but i am not able to save
> any changes that i make.
> so i am not able to insert my DNS addresses there.
> please reply me and help me
> thanx in advance..!!

You say you can ping your ISP but can you ping anything else out of
there net? Can you surf there sites? I assume you get your IP with
DHCP? What IP, DNS, Netmask and Gateway do you get in that case? And
are they right? /etc/resolv.conf is updated by DHCP if you using it so
it will be overwritten every time your IP is updated.

/ Jonas

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