Is there some trick installing a .exe file using Wine?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Jan 22 21:17:36 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 21 January 2009 6:41:28 pm John Hubbard wrote:
> >wine ~/Desktop

steven at Studio25:~$ cd /home/steven/.wine/drive_c/
steven at Studio25:~/.wine/drive_c$ cd downloads
bash: cd: downloads: No such file or directory
steven at Studio25:~/.wine/drive_c$ cd FullTiltSetup
bash: cd: FullTiltSetup: No such file or directory
steven at Studio25:~/.wine/drive_c$ wine ./FullTiltSetup.exe
wine: cannot find './FullTiltSetup.exe'
steven at Studio25:~/.wine/drive_c$ >wine ~/Desktop/FullTiltSetup.exe
bash: /home/steven/Desktop/FullTiltSetup.exe: Permission denied
steven at Studio25:~/.wine/drive_c$

What is the Permission denied about?


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