[Bulk] WiFi-printers Error: ''no DHCPOFFERS received''

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 17:08:51 UTC 2009

Hi, Eberhard, John end the rest of the list.

> While it is surely a good idea to have a dhcp Server (or a router acting
> as a dhcp server) on any network, from my experience, you will want to
> set a fixed IP Adress for a network printer and this applies to wireless
> as well.
> Doing it like this, you will not have to ask yourself where to find your
> printer, when there is trouble. ;-)
> I am slightly confused how your configuration program shortly locates
> your printer when you do not have wireless connectivity on your laptop?
> Just to clarify, what is wired and what is wireless in your network?

Nothing is wired (and everything is weird, but that is another thing).
My Printer has a WiFi interface and my laptop is equipped with  the
Linksys Wireless-G USB network adapter with >>RangeBooster<< (yes!)
My printer has a fixed IP address. RutilT finds the Printer (the
printer then prints some network status, which looks exactly as with
WinXP), but somehow the DHCP part doesn't work.

> And is there a router where wires and wireless devices are interconnected?
> If so, switch on the dhcp server within the router configuration and
> report back what happens.

No router. My Desktop is connected via LAN, the laptop and the printer
have to communicate to each other apart from the LAN (which they
refuse until now).

I have no pasword protection at this moment (it apparently is not a
password problem).
It seems very much to be a DHCP problem, since I receive a lot of
to not need DHCP but use an IP address?


" Can't talk to you without talking to me; we're guilty of the same old thing.
        Thinking a lot about less and less, and forgetting the love we bring "
                                     [Grateful Dead, in: 'Althea']


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