Can't Install Kubuntu 8.10 Properly - HELP!!

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Thu Jan 8 21:43:28 UTC 2009

Graham Todd said the following at 01/08/2009 08:30 AM :
> I've been using the Kubuntu 3.x builds without any problem for years,
> and tried the earliest versions of Kubuntu 4.0 without hitch, with my
> i386 machine.
> However, after getting an amd64 machine, I haven't been able to
> download and burn an amd64 .iso file for CD or DVD that works.  I have
> two disk drives, both LG in make, one a DVD-rom reader only, the other
> a DVD reader/burner.
> When I download a version of Kubuntu 8.10 and then burn it - either to
> DVD or CD - it is read and brings up the familiar blue curly desktop
> and appears in every way fine.  However, when I try to install it and
> then reboot, it stops with a black screen with an oblong which can just
> be defined in outline, but is coloured VERY dark grey - virtually
> black.  The hard drive activity light goes out and even if I leave it
> for a hour or more, nothing further happens.

So it sounds like what you are saying is that the install goes OK, but then
when you try to boot, you can't see anything.

What happens if you go to the console? Can you log in that way?

And if you can log in, then I suggest you try the following:

  1. go to ~/.kde/share/config
  2. in kwinrc, set Enabled=false in the [Compositing] section.
  3. Reboot

If you can't log in, what messages (if any) are on the console?



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