How do I activate my sdb5 partition and have it stay active continually.

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Jan 4 17:50:15 UTC 2009

Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
> 2009/1/3 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at>:
> > /dev/sda1 /media ext3 owner,atime,noauto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
> I'm not an expert in mount points, but this last line mounts sda1 as
> /media; doesn't this cause problems with all the other volumes mounted
> at points that are subfolders of /media? I would think, for example,
> that the floppy would be inaccessible when sda1 is mounted.

That's a good point. It depends on what you call "a problem" for other 
mount points. If sda1 is mounted first, the new devices will be mounted 
below /media on sda1. If sda1 is mounted later, those devices which were 
mounted before sda1 are on /media on the root device (sdb1). However 
these devices will not be visible any longer after sda1 is mounted. This 
situation is certainly not wanted but the mount operation wouldn't fail. 
Anyway, the only time the mount operation would fail is when there is no 
appropriate directory for the new device at mount time.


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