Hidden Memubar does not drop down when I put cursor in upper left corner. **RESOLVED**
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 2 04:46:25 UTC 2009
On Thursday 01 January 2009 10:02:17 pm Gene Heskett wrote:
> No! Not no, but hell no! Dry, the eraser can and will generate local
> static charges of several thousand volts, further damaging the memory.
> Simply exercising the memory out of the socket and back in should take care
> of the problem if indeed that is it.
You have me by 8 and 1/2 years Gene, but the actual milage for me has been in
a race car low on oil. You are probably a few years younger than me in
reality. I am just hoping to stay alive long enough to see my new computer
run. BFG Technologies was the culprit, a broken new power supply, however
they are terrible on their service, at least when they create the problem. I
have been waiting a month and a half for the replacement. I regularly get a
lot of promises from them, but no follow through. I wish they understood how
close I am to my end if life, and how much I want my new computer to work.
They say they are a little company only doing a few hundred million a year,
but they are only experts at the race to starting over in their garage. I
would never consider any of their products again. They can't see the value in
keeping a commitment or taking responsibility for their products. I am sorry
I went off subject there. I have to face the problem every day and somehow I
got on that subject. I will leave it though, just in case you decide to
purchase a power supply or video card or motherboard or any of the other
products they peddle. They talk strong and deliver soft.
A Happy New Year to you.
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