Hidden Memubar does not drop down when I put cursor in upper left corner.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 1 18:51:13 UTC 2009

> I can't find it in System Settings either.  I always use kcontrol to
> change settings.  In kcontrol it is in Desktop -> Panels -> Hiding tab.

Kcontrol didn't show up in the menu, however, when I checked using Konsole, it 
was installed.  I typed kcontrol in the terminal and it opened.  I then 
followed your instructions, but the menubar remained hidden.
> > 
> Karl
> p.s. A while back you were going to run memtest86+ to check your memory
> (actually your computer's memory).  Did you ever do that?  I'm just
> wondering if some of your problems might be due to bad memory.

I did that, however, I was interrupted by a telephone call that required the 
use of my computer and had to stop after a couple of hours of check.  In the 
time it was checked, 4 errors appeared on the readout.

I forgot about the process and haven't restarted.  I will do that again, but I 
have pressing need for my computer right now and must continue working while 
broken.  Thanks so much for the help.

Strangely, I couldn't find the option to have the cursor placed in the upper 
left corner of the screen either.  The window in Kcontrol appeared basically 
as I remembered when I set the configuration, however, then there was an 
option to have the hidden bar working when you put the cursor at a specified 
point.  Like, Top, Bottom, Upper Left corner of the screen, etc.  What 
happened with that choice option?


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