Were Intrepid updates the reason I lost my sound on the Intrepid partition?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 23 02:09:58 UTC 2009

> In ~/.kde/share/apps or ~/.kde/share/config (from memory, it may be
> slightly different) look for Dragon Player configuration files. Backup
> and rename as necessary to restore Dragon Player to it's original
> configuration.

Nothing in  ~/.kde/share/apps.


Are you asking me to open dragonplayerrc, make a copy then rename the 
original, or name the copy a new name?  Do I save it in the same location?  
Then what do I do?

Every time I get this type of instruction, I don't understand.

lets say I rename 'dragonplayererrrc to dragonplayercr.  If I rebooted, 
wouldn't the original file be replaced, and if replaced correct what might be 
wrong with it before?  And if it didn't change anything, I should then change 
cragonplayercr back to the rc ending to restore, but do I delete the existing 
dragonplayerrc before I change the renamed cr back?

If you can understand what I just said, you are amazing, but that is the 
dilemma this instruction has given me in the past, as it does again.


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