
Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Feb 19 00:31:27 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 18 February 2009 14:50:42 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > I have yet to meet an engineer that did not want a beautiful woman.
> I don't. My wife is beautiful but I really did not want a beautiful
> woman when I decided to start looking for a wife. I dated some girls
> that most men would be embarrassed to be seen with. I'm not afraid of
> competition from other men, but why make life difficult? And I met
> some amazing women, in fact, the ugliest of them is now somebody
> else's happy wife and I think that he's one of the luckiest guys out
> there (besides me!).

We are a lot alike, it is just that I don't really think any woman is not 
beautiful, except the evil and corrupt ones.  I see Nicole Kidman as an evil 
woman.  I realize many think her beautiful, however, I see something ugly.  I 
still watch a movie she is in from time to time, but I always see her as 
unattractive.  Australia is an example.
> My brand new Dell x50v got thrown in a case that I banged with a
> hammer, then spray painted matte black, so that it would not become
> bait for robbers. Same with my Dell Inspiron: rough black paint all
> over the brand new shiny laptop. You cannot even see the letters on
> the keys. Nobody will see that thing and then want to steal it.

If I wanted to, I could make mine pretty.  I haven't seen anyone in my 
studio/home but twice in the last year.  I am kind of a shut in, and in a 
community where friendship isn't much wanted.
> And yet, Compiz with wobbly windows on the desktop. I like that my
> desktop windows respond to being moved just like my real world papers
> respond to being moved. I like closing a window and seeing it burn in
> flames, just like I enjoy crumpling up the paper into the tightest
> ball that I can so that I can throw it. I like when atl-tabbing to see
> the windows flip by like objects, as opposed to flashing at me. Compiz
> makes the computer act much more similar to the real world.

Wow, me too.  How I misread people.  I have been thinking of you only as a 
computer geek, and I mean that as a compliment.  Many computer gurus seem to 
complain about what they call glitzy features, but just that alt feature makes 
compiz worthwhile to me, from a practical perspective.  The Octacube is like 
that.  Because you multi-task 8 packages or pages,  and by Alt dragging the 
cube, look inside, click on the page you want and it instantly rotates to the 
desired page.  I also like fading in, exploding exits and wobbly windows.  
They may not provide any functionality, but they look good.


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