panel transparency KDE 4.2

Willy Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Mon Feb 16 22:01:35 UTC 2009

2009/2/16 Paul Lemmons <paul at>:
> -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: Re:panel transparency KDE 4.2
> From: Willy Hamra <w.hamra1987 at>
> To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>
> Date: 02/16/2009 10:46 AM
>> 2009/2/16 Colin Kern <colin.kern at>:
>>> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Willy Hamra <w.hamra1987 at> wrote:
>>>> hi, so far, the panels have always been transparent, but today, they'r
>>>> not, i rebooted 2 times, and they didn't get fixed, some ppl sugested
>>>> it's panels not catching some QT signals, but an X server restart
>>>> should solve such problem. does anyone have this as well? any
>>>> suggestions?
>>> I had a similar problem.  After changing the Plasma theme to some
>>> others and then back to Oxygen, I found that my panel was no longer
>>> transparent.  I have two monitors, and if I move my panel to the other
>>> monitor, it is transparent, but not on the one where I want it.  I
>>> fixed it once by deleting my plasmarc (I think the path is
>>> ~/.kde/share/plasmarc), but if you do that you'll start back at the
>>> default panel and widgets and have to set it up how you want it all
>>> over again.  After I did that once, it happened to me again.
>>> Restarting KDE or rebooting didn't fix it, but it did go back to
>>> transparent after a few days for reason I have yet to figure out.  I
>>> wish I could be more help.
>> thanks that did it. i already tried changing the theme once earlier
>> after i read something similar from the SUSE forums, but nothing
>> happened, so after i read your email, i decided to give it another
>> shot, and it DID work, thanks a bunch!
> I have see it when something I did caused all of the desktop effects to be turned off. This would include transparency. Pressing shift+alt+F12 turns it back on. If ever you want to turn it off the same three fingered key combo turns it off. It is a toggle.
> --
> Sometimes I wonder.  Were our faith able to stand upright and look around, would it be looking down at the mustard seed or standing in awe of the height and breadth of it.

thanks paul, dsktop effects were turned on this time, only panel
transparency was acting up, i got it solved anyway :)

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computers and Billy Net.

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