kubuntu8.10: opengeu-desktop has unmet dependencies:

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Thu Feb 12 04:27:08 UTC 2009

It would appear that on Feb 11, Bruce Marshall did say:

> On Wednesday 11 February 2009, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> >  Thus after a bit of
> > searching for an alternative WM that I could stand. I discovered "E"
> Is this 'E' you're talking about really 'Enlightenment'?  
> I've never heard of 'E' but a google search on E16 brings up Enlightenment 
> info.

Yes. One of the web pages I first looked at while trying to find out
what Enlightenment was used 'E' like it was an accepted abbreviation.
And since they talk about e16 & e17 versions I assumed it was a well
known nickname for it. My bad!

> I've switched to XFCE4 which you might also like.  Sounds much like 'E'

It's possible. The main reason I like E is it's ability to be easily
configured to do almost all regular activities without having to dust
of that {many expletives deleted} rodent pointing device. AND it
simplifies assigning my own keyboard shortcuts by keeping them in an
editable text file. (there is a gui tool but it's not required)

If that sounds like a description of XFCE4 then perhaps I should check
it out...

But I like the way E16 handles multiple desktops, AND something it calls virtual
desktops. And that I can configure it to use only keyboard methods for
switching. It's fast, lean, AND visually pleasing.  

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~	     <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>

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