Subject: Using all new components with no OS installed, How do I, install the BIOS. Intrepid 64 at completion.

tom bell cbell44 at
Wed Feb 11 07:42:03 UTC 2009

On 02/11/2009 kubuntu-users-request at scribbled:
> This is my first install of Kubuntu 64bit; is this on-topic for this forum?  
> Just to get to the point of install, I will need help getting my hardware 
> readied for an AMD Quad Core 9600.  The motherboard is an ASUS M3N-HT 
> Mempipe.  My memory is Axiom ECC 667mhz DDR2 (8gb).  Onboard 8000 series 
> GForce GPU, 512mb DDR3 PNY GForce 9600 Video Card.  HDD & DVDRW both SATA.  
> BFG 800W Power Supply.

I would advise you to be extra careful with the power.  Powering on the
MB before making sure the heatsink apparatus to the CPU is properly
attached will probably fry the CPU. (Important)
To ground the case the power supply MUST be installed and the power cord
plugged in at the computer and wall outlet, however, make sure that the
switch on the power supply is off.   O/I  O is off when pressed in, I is
on when pressed in. (Important)
When you plug in one board of RAM check the markings on it and align the
other boards the same.  Keep in mind that there is an offset near the
middle of the bottom of the board to align the board to the slot
properly. (Important)
The above are probably things you have already been told however, they
bear repeating...and repeating.
About the boot process, you need to boot from the DVD drive and the
motherboard should give some help with how to do that the first time.
Setting the BIOS to always boot from the CD/DVD drive can be done in the
BIOS if it is not already the default.
You can even run the Live CD to see if it will work well with your
components before you even install.  Windows doesn't do that!
Good luck!

Tom Bell
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” - Juvenal, Roman poet, circa late 1st
and late 2nd centuries.

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