4.2 seems to be missing lots of stuff

Art Alexion art.alexion at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 11:35:44 UTC 2009

On 02/09/2009 Willy Hamra wrote:
> uhm.. KDE 4.2 IS released! it's final, no?
> i've been using since it's beta stage, and qute satisfied by it, much
> better thn 4.1 even in beta

My experience, also.  I have found 4.2 the first of the KDE 4s that are 
not demo versions, and actually works.  I have a KDE 3 and a KDE 4 
machine on a KVM.  Until 4.2, KDE 4 was only for looking at once in a 
while.  When I needed to do anything, I switched back too KDE 3 really 
quickly.  With 4.2, I find I am spending most of my time in KDE 4 
(mostly because I prefer kmail 1.11 to the version in KDE 3.5.10.)

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