grub2 = beta?

Goh Lip g.lip at
Fri Dec 11 16:07:59 UTC 2009

On 12/11/2009 11:59 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 11 December 2009, Goh Lip wrote:
>> On 12/11/2009 11:21 PM, Goh Lip wrote:

>> On second thoughts, if you do have a Karmic livecd, don't know enough
>> about Linux Mint, (maybe it'll work too), you can get your own grub2 iso
>> by typing at a terminal, when that livecd boots up,
>> grub-mkrescue anyname.iso
> And where would it put that image?  Surely not directly on a cd..

No, you will have an iso file where you can burn to a cd. If command is 
at ~/home, usually is, then that file will be found at ~/home.

>> Burn that anyname.iso image and you have that grub2 bootable cd.
>> Sorry about that, Gene. I keep making mistakes like that when I send
>> messages too quickly. But if you want me to send you the iso file, it's
>> okay with me too.
>> Regards,
>> Goh Lip
> I don't have karmic, only 6.06 and 8.04 (LTS versions, used to run my milling
> machine.  I'll look at the boot menu of the Mint cd again, it may have that
> ability.
No problem if Mint doesn't cut it. Just holler (or whisper) and I'll 
send you that iso.

Goh Lip


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