No Process or CPU tab in System Monitor

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Wed Dec 9 22:01:11 UTC 2009

2009/12/9 Randy <Randy at>:
> My Kubuntu 9.10 locked up on restart after applying updates yesterday,
> and now when I try to run System Monitor, I get the following error:
> The file /home/randy/.kde/share/apps/sysguard/ProcessTable.sgrd does not
> contain valid XML.
> When I say ok to this, the System Montior window comes up, but there it
> is empty -- there is no CPU or process table shown.  I can add a new
> tab, but I don't get a full page display of the process list.  Can
> sysguard be safely resinstalled, or is there some other, less drastic
> solution to this problem.
> Thanks,
> Randy

You could try to remove the whole
/home/randy/.kde/share/apps/sysguard/ directory and any sysguard
config files in ~/kde/share/config/ (if there is any) and then try to
restart sysguard and it should start with default settings.

/ Jonas

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