VLC for 8.04

clay weber claydoh at midmaine.com
Mon Aug 24 13:48:39 UTC 2009

Knapp wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 3:08 PM, clay weber<claydoh at midmaine.com> wrote:
>> Knapp wrote:
>>> I have been trying to get the latest VLC to work for me but I can't
>>> seem to get the newer versions to run because of dependency problems.
>>> Is it possible? How?
>>> Current working version on my system.
>>> VLC media player 0.8.6e Janus
>>> Kubuntu 8.04 64 bit.
>>> Thanks!
>> What are the specific dependency problems you are having?
>> clay
> I just undid all that and don't have them. I could go back and redo it
> all. There were 28 of them, I think.

Actually I should be asking what version/where you are getting vlc from.
I am guessing that it is a qt4 issue as the newest vlc needs QT4, while 
hardy has qt3 - not sure if there are qt4 packages for hardy or not


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