video problem on install

Donn donn.ingle at
Wed Aug 19 06:42:16 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 19 August 2009 08:17:51 uriah heep wrote:
> Would you be so kind as to explain to me how to enter them and
> treat me as a total novice?
I will do my best, but my way may not be the best. Do some googling too. Use 
keywords: X11, xorg.conf, nvidia, nv, driver, ubuntu

The problem as I see it is that your 3D driver is not functioning.
Attempt 1 would be to try and install the driver.
Attempt 2 would be to use the 'nv' driver instead (no 3D)

Both attempts require the use of the shell.
If you get a command prompt, you are good to go. Make sure it *is* one though, 
and not some other shell - like the one you can get when editing the boot 
Once you have installed and booted - depending what you see - you can login, 
or use a hot-key: Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or F2) to go to a shell. Then login.

Attempt 1.
We need to install the drivers from the repos. I don't savvy all the kinds of 
cards out there and how to match the right driver -- but I have noticed that 
they seem to come in one bunch - so let's try find the package.
Note: Use the 'sudo' command to get root-for-a-while. 
Note: A $ sign indicates your shell prompt - don't type it.

$apt-cache search nvidia
nvidia-glx-180 - NVIDIA binary Xorg driver

Among the results I chose that one because it's number is 180 - larger than 
the other options offered. If you already have this one installed, using 
another one may do. Again, google.

$sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180
(type password, press enter)

That may work - you may have to restart. Or you can try:

Attempt 2.
There is no hope for 3D. You need to open and edit a  configuration file and 
make a change. You should use the 'nano' text editor because it's the simplest 
available. When it runs read the commands at the bottom to get an idea of how 
to save and exit. Ctrl + O will write the file. Ctrl + X will exit.
Backup the conf file:
$sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.oops.conf
Edit it:
$sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Look for this pattern:
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
        Driver  "nvidia"
        Option  "NoLogo"        "True"

The line Driver "nvidia" should be changed to:
Driver "nv"

Save the file and exit nano.
(If you made a mistake you can replace xorg.conf with the backup you made.)

Restart or $startx

I hope that works.... these things are a little voodoo :D

To troubleshoot - read through the error log:
$cat ~/.xsession-errors

There may be clues hidden in there. Post that log file if you are still stuck.

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