20090807KL -- "Emergency" -- Lost File

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Sat Aug 8 08:08:43 UTC 2009

Le Saturday 08 August 2009 06:41:39 Emil Payne, vous avez écrit :
> > Look for a file in the same directory as the file you were editing, that
> > has a ~ at the end.  I know kwrite saves a copy as .bak, but some times
> > they do the ~ at the end as a working copy.  You may be able to recover
> > that.
> Also make sure you have hidden files turned on, because usually
> name.ext~ files are hidden.

The *most important thing* about data loss has not been stated in this thread. 
I hope it is only because it seemed too obvious to be worth mentionning. But 
just in case:  ***do not use this drive***, or at least the partition 
involved, boot from a live cd, mount your partition read only.

You will then need another medium to work from, if you had installed two Linux 
versions/distros on different partitions that's great.
If that seems too big a price ($ or time) you may shun this advice, but any 
write operation to this partition increases the likelyhood your data gets 

I'm sorry I can not help more, last time I did a rescue was on an Amiga 
floppy, using a track-sector editor.
Some (easy to find) links

Good luck		Perry
BOFH excuse #157: Incorrect time synchronization

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