No games in Kubuntu 9.04

Roy Smith rasmith1959 at
Thu Aug 6 14:17:22 UTC 2009

Mike Lakomy wrote:
> hi!
> Kubuntu doesnt ship with games because there isnt enough room on the
> CD (Xubuntu/Ubuntu can because GNOME/XFCE are much smaller)
> you can get a bunch of linux games on a cd from Microcenter in Ohio,
> dont know if they carry that were you live but you can order them by
> internet (which on second thought brings us back where we started :) ) 
> (URL for
> microcenter:
> )
> do you know anyone who uses linux? they might download some game
> binaries and put them on a CD/USB drive for you. a Local Linux Group
> might be a good place to start or even you Ubuntu LoCo team (local
> groups URL: ) (Ubuntu LoCo teams
> URL: )
> good luck!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Edwin McGuire <mcguiresmain at>
> *To:* Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 5, 2009 10:42:03 PM
> *Subject:* Re: No games in Kubuntu 9.04
> I realize most people have World Wide Web access, I believe there's a
> difference between /_Web_/ and /_Internet_/ access though (you can
> have /_Internet_/ without the /_Web_/,i.e. _E-Mail account only_ as in
> my case, I usually go to our local library for Web
> access, I tried to be specific in my question, I wish I could explain
> it better sorry.  *: )* 

I'm sorry I haven't been watching the whole message thread, but this pc
you're using is it a desktop or a laptop?  If it's a laptop you can
alway take it somewhere where you can get internet access, such as a
coffee shop, truck stop, whatever...  You can go to and
they have a WiFi database there that you can search and find WiFi
hotspots in your area.  I live in Montgomery AL and I went there and it
listed 43 WiFi hotspots that were within 10 miles of my zip code.  Some
were free and some you had to pay for access.  The pay sites usually
aren't that expensive, I know at truck stops it's generally around $5.00
for 24 hours of access.

Though if it's a desktop pc you have Kubuntu on, then I guess I just
wasted your and my time...  ;-)


Roy Smith                    Yahoo - rasmith1959
Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope   ICQ - 265622
Registered Linux User #488144  MSN - rasmith1959 at
Registered Ubuntu User #26841  AIM - rasmith1959 at

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