: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to nount root fs

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Wed Aug 5 15:03:42 UTC 2009

Ming Kbot wrote:

PLEASE use the "reply" option, so that messages thread properly.  And please 
don't top post, it makes it really hard to have a conversation.

>> Well, seems to be a misconfiguration on grub. Please, post your
>> /boot/grub/menu.lst here. I think will be easy to solve.

Actually, it is probably not a grub misconfiguration, and equally unlikely 
to be easy to solve.  The fact that his UUIDs are the same for both the 
working and non-working kernel images argues against there being a grub 
config problem.  If you boot into the "recovery" version of the -14 image, 
you should see a message shortly before the panic indicating that it 
couldn't find a filesystem on the boot partition.

>> > when i go into grub menu selecting
>> > Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-14-generic gives a error and stops.
>> >
>> > The error reads: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to nount root
>> > fs on unknown-block(0,0)
>> >
>> > when I select Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-13-generic boots normally
>> >
>> > I've run fsck and the disk checker on the Ubuntu DVD  they found 1 bad
>> > block and fixed it.
>> >
>> > can i run 13 and force it to update to 14 again ?

You can try.  ime, this is due to "update-initramfs" not actually putting 
all the necessary modules into the initrd image.  As long as kernel 
2.6.28-13 is working, I'd stick with it until a new kernel comes along, and 
then try that.

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