video plugins for Firefox (Gerald I. Evenden)

Brian Norman Wootton Brian.Meg at
Mon Aug 3 15:08:31 UTC 2009

I'm running Firefox /3.0.12 on hardy 8.04 x86_64.

A few months ago I tried to update plugins to handle some of the newer videos 
but had a great deal of difficulty and thought I had lost Firefox altogether.

Has anything changed to facilitate FlashPlayer and other updates for the 
x86_64 series.  Most of the Google results are dated and I hove no idea which 
may be sufficiently recent to be applicable.

Pointers would be greatly appreciated.



I'm running FF 3.0.12 on jaunty on a 64amd machine. I have not as yet found any
video or audio stream that won't run properly for me, I can't say I've sorted
this directly myself, just added in whatever plug-ins/extensions as asked for by FF.
Here's the complete list of add-ons I now have.


Plug -ins: 

Default plugin for unix/linux

DivX Browser plug-in

gxine starter plugin

IcedTea Java Web Browser Plugin

mplayerplugin-in 3.55

QuickTime Plugin 7.4.5

Realplayer 9

Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22

Windows Media Player Plug-in
 (mplayerplugin 3.55 video player plug-in for quick-time, realplayer, etc, etc streams


Google Preview 3.22

Java Console 6.0.02


Javascript options 1.2.6

Xmarks 3.1.0


My memory is bad, I may have installed mplayer and java from the repos
as well as the above. I can't say how many of them are actually required
to do the job.
The only comment I can positively make is - don't have Amarok running at all - it
stops all other video/audio players in their tracks in my experience.
Hope this helps

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