video plugins for Firefox (Gerald I. Evenden)

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Mon Aug 3 21:12:23 UTC 2009

On Monday 03 August 2009 12:40:45 pm Brian Norman Wootton wrote:
> What makes me most curious is how you obtained your list of plugins?  Did
> you keep a list as you installed them or are you able to get FF to
> regurgitate a list of what is installed.

Where you would normally type a URI, just type "about:plugins" without the 

> As a minor side issue, I have no idea what "Linux 10" and whether I am at
> that level with Ubuntu 8.+.  There are far too many layers of version/level
> numbers for my pea-pickin' mind to follow.

I think it is a SUSE release.  I don't know how it compares.  As for Ubuntu 8. 
or 9., it denotes the year of release, while the .04 or .10 means either the 
April (.04) or October (.10) release in that year.  Since October isn't here 
yet in 2009 there is no 9.10 yet except as beta releases for testing and 9.04 
is the current release.  Does that help?  And FYI, 8.04 is the current LTS 
(Long Term Support) release.  It was released in April of 2008 like its 
version number implies.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403
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