Copy from Live CD application to system HDD?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sun Aug 2 13:40:34 UTC 2009

Since my computer stopped functioning, I found the only way to use it was to 
work using my Live CD of Kubuntu Jaunty.  While in the Live CD application, I 
am having difficulty retaining important emails that contain help for the repair 
of my computer and want to move the information to a location on the broken 
part of the computer.  Each time I restart to try a suggested fix, I lose all 
my email records that were saved while on the Live CD session.  If the 
suggested fix doesn't work, when I restart with the Live CD again, it is like 
starting over, because I don't have the current help emails to refer to.

I have not moved data using a terminal without help.  I am trying to move data 
from the /Document directory on the Live CD to a 'Document Directory' of the 
broken part of my computer.

I believe the location of the document I want to move is: 

i believe the location of where I want to copy it to is:

I am not completely sure, because I mounted the partition as something else.  
This is how the computer identifies the location of where I want the document 
put while I am using the Live CD.

The choices of mounting points that are in the broken computer are as follows:

/  represents the boot partition
/home  is the mount point for my home directory and is located on its own HDD.  
It is also a place to store backed-up data as a secondary protection from data 
loss.  That way all data is stored on a separate partition from the OS and 
also saved on two separate HDD's.

/home/svpersonal is the mount point for the partition that contains a 
partition which contains the OS and a partition called /svpersonal, and a 
partition for my backed-up data.  All my working data is kept in /svpersonal.

I believe that the /svpersonal/steven/Documents folder is the location 
described above as /media/disk-1/steven/Documents.  Since the computer renamed 
the mount point, and because I am in the Live CD with limited function, I am 
not quite sure, but when I locate the above mentioned document in Dolphin and 
after pressing f4 to get a terminal, the terminal shows those addresses.

A bit embarrassing, but I thought someone with my lack of understanding might 
learn from this, so I posted it rather than taking the less embarrassing way 
of getting my answer by contacting an expert off list.


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