Locked up in boot process.

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Sat Aug 1 20:16:47 UTC 2009

Le Saturday 01 August 2009 20:45:18 Steven Vollom, vous avez écrit :
> See for yourself:
> ubuntu at ubuntu:~$ /boot/grub/menu.lst
> bash: /boot/grub/menu.lst: No such file or directory
> ubuntu at ubuntu:~$
> ubuntu at ubuntu:~$ /boot/grub
> bash: /boot/grub: No such file or directory
> ubuntu at ubuntu:~$

Sorry Steven, I've followed the whole thread and I'm not in a position to 
help, only to ask some questions (well, sometimes questions help, but that is 
your ressort)
I bet you have only one system installed, because the boot process is not 
waiting for any input...and obviously it boots since you access some shell, 
so grub must be somewhere, no?

What I don't understand is the commands (or lack thereof) you issue.
What surprises me is what bash answered.

Perhaps you could experiment somewhat with commands such as "ls", "cd", "cat", 
see if "startx" works.
I'm not sure the (error) messages are always precise and tell you when it is a 
priviledge matter, so I would try "sudo" even in front of simple commands 
like "ls" (It may be utterly usless there, but for what little I know...)  

What happens with the install DVD? Can it boot the installed system, or just 
mount your drive? Could you find out from there what is really wrong and how 
to fix it? (why it went wrong is another story)

And if finally you decide to reinstall for the 41th time, if you have some 
space to spare on your drive, I would suggest you install another 
system/version alongside jaunty, from which you could try to debug it, 
because it happens that one system boots normally when the other gets stuck 
in text mode.

Concerning your mail (and addressbook and calender) I hope you know about the 
hidden .kde folder that contains (in /share/apps) the kmail, kabc and 
korganizer. It is a simple matter to recover all that or the zist of it.
Note: it may be better to restore only the minimum from .kde because some 
files in there my cause problems (at least it used to be like this and 
the "miracle" cure was sometimes to delete or rename it altogether)

I know how all this may be frustrating


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