
Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Apr 30 23:45:13 UTC 2009

Billie Walsh wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Billie Walsh wrote:

>>> Install Synaptic. Kpackagekit is a waste of disk space.
>> But synaptic is a _bigger_ waste, as it pulls in so much of Gnome... :-)
> At least Synaptic works. More than can be said for Kpackagekit.

But it doesn't work _well_.  I've never found synaptic useful, and I have 
actually used it on and off ever since it was first introduced (I just 
deleted it off my system again, this morning).

When it comes right down to it, since the demise of kpackage, I've never 
found anything that works better than aptitude at the command line.

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