SOLVED - Blocked Updates

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at
Thu Apr 30 16:44:24 UTC 2009

Solved it with Synaptic.

Updater shows me that I have 14 blocked updates. There is no option for
me to do anything other than close the updater. BUT, it keeps the update
notification in the sys tray. Very annoying.

Almost forgot to mention system and such. Stuffed up yesterday and
loaded 9.04 onto the wrong drive and wiped out my 8.10 instead of 8.04.
Severe case of cranial rectal insertion. Oh well! Life will go on.

Also, when I got everything installed and booted up there was no
software installer. [ At least none that worked. There was something
called Kpackagekit which was a total waste of drive space ] Managed to
get Synaptic installed [ they had already trashed Adept to make it
worthless ] so could get something done about all the deficiencies.

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