Problem with Python 2.5

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Apr 30 14:33:10 UTC 2009

Donn wrote:

> On Thursday, 30 April 2009 02:59:46 Wulfy wrote:
>> I admit it.  Sometimes I'm way too "clever" for my own good...
> Re-install Python 2.5.
> Not all code is written to keep-up with the latest Python version. Python
> 2.5 was cutting-edge not too long ago. Then 2.6 came and swiftly 3.0. The
> former being a 'bridge' to the latter which breaks compatibility; thus
> many coders still stand in 2.5 land; blinking slowly in horror at having
> to shift over that line to 3.x... Myself being one of them.

And remember, Python is one of the few languages that explicitly does not 
provide backward compatibility between releases, so it is always up to the 
application developer to migrate to new versions.

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