Problem with Python 2.5

Antonio Augusto (Mancha) mkhaos7 at
Thu Apr 30 10:27:57 UTC 2009

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 01:24, Donn <donn.ingle at> wrote:
> On Thursday, 30 April 2009 02:59:46 Wulfy wrote:
>> I admit it.  Sometimes I'm way too "clever" for my own good...
> Re-install Python 2.5.
> Not all code is written to keep-up with the latest Python version. Python 2.5
> was cutting-edge not too long ago. Then 2.6 came and swiftly 3.0. The former
> being a 'bridge' to the latter which breaks compatibility; thus many coders
> still stand in 2.5 land; blinking slowly in horror at having to shift over
> that line to 3.x... Myself being one of them.

@Wulfy: in shortm you have to reinstall python 2.5 as it is still
needed by a bunch of packages.


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