Do I need both ~/.kde/ and ~/.kde4/ - kaddressbook

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Thu Apr 30 00:11:05 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 22:58 +0100, Chris Jones wrote:
> >>
> >
> > What about kaddressbook?? I have 1,534 records I'd rather not lose.  
> > Ric
> Does it have import/export capabilities ?
> Chris

Chris, yes it does. But none export the "filters" which I need to sort
within the records that I have established. I'm data-basing our list for
"Community Success Initiative" all our contacts. Our North Carolina
Non-Profit deals with guys getting out of prison, as well as all the
individuals/private & public agencies to assist them. So among all the
contacts, there are various natural groupings, such as Inmate, Ex-Con,
Family Member, Health Org., Looking for work, Provides Work, Housing,
Spiritual, Community, County, State offices, Legal Assistance,
Probation/Parole, ...etc. It took awhile, but I got it right. 

When I pull up a member, I can spot at a glance what they are joined
with us for, either needing or providing. Or use a filter to list who
needs/does what. None of this exports from Vcard or CSV or LDIF formats.
Only the address/contact information. I was already into 1,000 records
when I discovered all this. That's a LOT of typing! I found the filters
are in another file from the database. If you have any idea of how to
export it all, at once, I'd love to hear of it. 

I'm headed to Raleigh on Friday for our 5th anniversary weekend
convention. I'll be lugging the computer to show off to State/County and
local officials. I'd like to promote Linux within our prisons. I'll be
showing off Kubuntu, the database, NuOAR / Wonderland. I hope to get the
NC NAACP to look at adopting Linux. There's a bunch of PCs that could be
recycled into use with Linux ...for deserving kids, as well as adults.
I've been riding this rehab pony for almost 5 years. Heopfully we'll be
reaching out into Virginia this year, too.  

You can bet, it's a -lively- crowd. But, you'll find none more polite,
while being properly assertive. Consider we're releasing 700,000 inmates
nation-wide this year alone. We don't want to see one leaving the gate
alone, with a $50 gatecheck, to start a new life off with. The result is
highly predictable. Ric


My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256
Verizon Cell # 434-774-4987

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