no "upgrade available" notification

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Wed Apr 29 22:38:17 UTC 2009

Amazingly, the topic of this post actually matches the topic of the thread.
I know; hard to believe, isn't it?

D. R. Evans said the following at 04/25/2009 08:21 AM :
> I have seen no trace of an "upgrade is available" icon, which surprises me.
> If I force a download of all the repositories (from the main Canonical
> server), I don't see any obvious failures, but still the system doesn't
> suggest that there are any kinds of updates or upgrades available.

FWIW, having changed absolutely nothing at my end for several days, just
leaving the laptop plugged in and logged on, the icon appeared last night

No reports on as yet whether anyone else affected was
similarly fortunate.



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