Flash and Linux

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 28 22:19:55 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 28 April 2009 04:30:21 pm Ian L. Target wrote:
> Nigel Ridley wrote:
> > There seems to be a general problem with Flash and Linux. There are some
> > websites that have an abundance of Flash content and Linux can't seem to
> > handle it well. I mean that when viewing these websites suddenly the
> > processor[s] jump to around 99%, the temp. rise dramatically, the fans
> > works overtime and the website slows to a crawl. This is compounded when
> > more than one tab is opened from the same website. As an example here is
> > a example website (it is a fishing tackle online shop):
> > http://www.lakerda.co.il/
> > The only way that I was able to navigate said website was to open it in
> > Opera and 'Disable Plug-ins'.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > Blessings,
> >
> > Nigel
> Yes - email the company and tell them you think their website is
> unprofessional for using technology that
> usually is limited to porn sites.  My bank used to use a lot of flash
> garbage and I kept emailing them, letting
> them know I didn't like flash garbage.  I also fibbed and told them my
> employer's IT department had disabled
> all of the browsers from being able to use flash.  I don't know how much
> good it did, but my bank does now
> use less flash garbage than before.
> Ian
My old box only has 512mb of old and slow ram.  It is 2.3ghz P4, though.
Things moved almost as fast as with the new box.  I had to install flash, but 
it was done automatically.  If I have any problem I will contact you, but 
everything works about as good as I could want with both machines.


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