acer aspire one & Kubuntu

Chris Jones jonesc at
Tue Apr 28 15:32:09 UTC 2009

> Well, for me, the concept of thread stealing is only in the sense of
> "asking something slightly related to the thread in question". What
> Errol said, I'd call cross posting. But as you and Doc seen to
> disagree with me in this concept, so may other people. So I'll broaden
> my concept of thread stealing.
> Any way, I think this should be let to rest, since we are already
> stealing a stolen thread ;) And I don't want to start a flame war or
> anything like this.

I think you have your definitions mixed up. Cross posting is posting to 
more than one mailing list (to me at least).

I agree with everyone else that this was a classic example of thread 
stealing. Note that thread stealing does not imply that those doing it 
intended to, or are even aware of what they are doing. In most case it 
occurs when someone hits reply to a message, changes the title to 
something completely different and asks a different question. They usual 
do this as a 'convenient' way of getting the 'to' address, and are 
unaware of the fact that underneath the email header knows it is a reply 
to an email and thus is part of that thread.

The bottom line is 'whenever' asking a new question, with a new subject 
*always* hit 'new message' and never 'reply'


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