acer aspire one & Kubuntu

Antonio Augusto (Mancha) mkhaos7 at
Mon Apr 27 16:34:00 UTC 2009

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:34, Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz at> wrote:
> On Monday 27 April 2009 11:57:27 Antonio Augusto (Mancha) wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 00:16, Errol Sapir <errol at> wrote:
>> > I don't understand the comment by Doc and a previous similar one by
>> > Derek. I was the one who started this thread. What am I "thread
>> > stealing"? Both times the comments were made under the words I wrote
>> > below. Sorry for the typos.
>> >
>> > :-)
>> Probably you started this thread by replying to someone elses e-mail.
>> So the e-mail cient from Errol and Evans put it following the other
>> thread, and they didn't noticed the change on the subject :)
>> But yeah, this is a new thread. You aren't stealing anything ;)
> I'm sorry, but this is plain wrong.  The OP _did_ steal the thread.  Changing
> the subject has no effect at all on threading, since threads are established
> by an entry in the header which is read by the email client, not by the
> subject.
> Not only does it potentially irritate those who keep/read their mail threaded,
> but it also loses some of those who may help.  Many busy people read the
> thread starters, or the subject of the thread starters, and decide that
> either they are not interested or they are not able to help.  They then stop
> reading that thread and will not even see if the subject line changes, even
> tho' they might have been willing/able to help with the new subject.
> It is also an inconvenience to those who are following the threads and keep
> their mail threaded, since it gets the two subjects thoroughly muddled up.
> I am sure that the OP did not intend to steal the thread, and did not realise
> that he had done so.  But none-the-less he did steal the thread.
> Lisi

Well, for me, the concept of thread stealing is only in the sense of
"asking something slightly related to the thread in question". What
Errol said, I'd call cross posting. But as you and Doc seen to
disagree with me in this concept, so may other people. So I'll broaden
my concept of thread stealing.

Any way, I think this should be let to rest, since we are already
stealing a stolen thread ;) And I don't want to start a flame war or
anything like this.


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